Core System

Insert Control key into the lock to be changed.

Turn Key and pull to remove the old core.

Insert new core using the Control Key as before.

Insert Control key into the lock to be changed.

Turn Key and pull to remove the old core.

Insert new core using the Control Key as before.
Adapting Existing Locks
Many types of cylinder locks can be adapted to the Wadsworth system. This is carried out by fitting a suitable Wadsworth cylinder which will house the Wadsworth core. The make of lock must be ascertained in order to provide the correct cylinder. A representative will be pleased to assist in this.
Replacement Costs
Because of the ease with which cores can be replaced and the fact that carpenters or locksmiths are not necessary, replacement locking costs are substantially reduced. Cores can be replaced easily by the customer’s own authorised staff using only the special Control key.
Maintaining Security
If keys are lost or stolen, action can be taken to restore security with minimum delay. As locks do not have to be taken out of the door and new ones fitted, any compromise in security is kept to minimum risk. A Wadsworth core change is all that is needed and this can be done in ten seconds.
Customer Masterkey System
Every Wadsworth masterkey system is designed for the individual requirements of each customer. Sufficient codes are allocated to allow for future expansion of the system and the requirements of replacements or replacement cores and keys. It is most important therefore, that when ordering, allowance is made for future requirement possibilities.
Customer Codes
All codes issued for a Wadsworth masterkey system are reserved solely for that specific customer. Special control is exercised in the Head Office and all codes are maintained under strict control. Even the workshop cannot identify jobs being progressed. All job sheets are specially referenced to prevent identification.
In addition to master and submaster keys supplied with the system, each lock or core is supplied with two operating keys. These keys are identified with a core number and the submaster suite letter. Cores have these numbers stamped on the side of the core (NOT the front) so that if a key is picked up there are no means of relating it to a particular lock. Additional keys are often required and these can be supplied at extra cost.
Control Keys
Every Wadsworth system is provided with one control key. This is supplied free of charge. This key is used for removing cores and locking in replacement cores, and is unique to each system. It is customary for this key to be the responsibility of a Senior Manager.
Additional Cores and Keys
Very often additional cores and keys for certain locks will be required. These can only be supplied against the authorised signature of the customer. These are normally despatched within 7 to 10 day from receipt of order and sent by next day courier.
Key Copying
Wadsworth key blanks are not sold to Locksmiths, hardware stores, etc., and additional keys must be ordered from Wadsworth Security Products by an authorised signatory.
Spare Codes and Keys
It is recommended that when commencing a Wadsworth masterkey system a proportion of spare cores and keys should be ordered. If the scheme comprises a number of master suites then spares for each suite should be allowed for.
Old Codes
Wadsworth cores which have been replaced for any reason can be returned to Wadsworth Security Products where they will be recombinated on new combination codes within the customer’s own Wadsworth masterkey system. The old codes are removed from the customers records to ensure they cannot be issued again to the customer.